We teach a variety of different skills in a friendly, safe and disciplined environment.

 We teach and promote inclusion and have always welcomed people of all abilities to our club.

Whether beginners or advanced, our students learn the highly effective self defence art of Ju Jutsu in a very practical, disciplined and yet friendly environment. Speak to your GP before commencing training if you have any health concerns. Training in Ju Jutsu is similar to the training within Judo, Karate and Aikido, but with all those elements combined. Ju Jutsu is the historical 'Mother art' to these other Japanese systems.

Ju Jutsu contains punches, kicks, throws, groundwork, submissions, immobilisations, pressure points and weapons. In addition, we also cover meditation, origami, reiki and fight competition should you wish to enter. Competition is not compulsory, but our track record is of a high standard, producing several British Champions over the years.

Ju Jutsu promotes health & Self Defence in one art.

For more information, please email us for a reply, or to arrange a phone call and we'll answer your queries straight away.

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